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Rosacea is a skin condition in which your face looks like you are blushing, causing redness and visible blood vessels to appear. It may also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps. It can often be mistaken for acne or other skin issues, sunburn or even allergies. Rosacea is a chronic condition that is controllable with medications and proper treatments but is considered to be incurable.

How do you identify Rosacea?
Rosacea could be mistaken for acne, natural redness of cheeks (rosy cheeks), or even sunburn but if you keep an eye out for the signs and symptoms, you might be able to tell the difference. Some of the common symptoms of Rosacea are:

  • redness or flushed skin especially in the center of your face
  • broken blood vessels that are very visible under the skin surface
  • rhinophyma or thickening of the skin of the nose
  • swelling and sensitive skin around the center of the face
  • dry or rough skin
  • bumps on eyelids or problem seeing, redness in eyes

What causes Rosacea?
Rosacea could be caused and triggered by a number of different factors and depending on those factors, the treatments and the intensity or frequency of the treatments would vary. Some of the things that might cause Rosacea are:

  • Genetics play a crucial role when it comes to medical conditions and in the case of Rosacea, it is possible that it has been passed down to you through generations
  • Damaged or abnormal facial blood vessels could lead to this condition
  • Mites, more specifically, Demodex folliculorum, are tiny, microscopic insects that live on human skin. They are generally harmless but sometimes, people have a heightened sensitivity to these mites causing redness and flushing
  • H. pylori bacteria, that is found in the gut, is said to raise the amount of digestive hormones and of bradykinin, a small polypeptide. This causes the blood vessels to dilate and redden.

Many times, genetics alone don’t cause Rosacea but when paired with other environmental factors, this condition gets triggered.

Before & After


ROSACEA​ Treatments

Laser Therapy

Laser Photofacial treatment uses pulses of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to reverse signs of aging by altering your skin at the cellular level.