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Why Sunscreen is a MUST?


    Why Sunscreen is a MUST?

    Sunscreen has more benefits than just protecting your skin from the sun. The truth is that we should wear sunscreen all day every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter; you must protect your skin from the sun. This blog outlines the importance of sunscreen, how to use it to get the most out of it, and how frequently you should apply it.

    • Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer 

    Sunscreen protects your skin and lowers your chance of skin cancer and pre-cancers. When used in combination with other sun protection habits, such as wearing dark clothing and sunglasses, SPF helps to limit the harmful impacts of sun exposure. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 15 reduces your risk of acquiring cancer by 40% and your risk of developing melanoma (the deadliest skin cancer) by 50%.

    • Protect the Skin from Sunburn

    Without protection, excessive sun exposure or UV radiation exposure (such as tanning )can result in a painful burn. Repeated tanning without protection may result in more sunspots and skin damage. Sunburns often take a few days or longer to cure, so it’s essential to wear sunscreen at all times, especially on colder, cloudy days.

    • Limit the Appearance of Sunspots

    Exposure to UV rays from the sun can also generate sunspots (sometimes known as “age spots” or “liver spots”), which contribute to the appearance of aging. Sunspots are caused by hyperpigmentation of the skin and are typically flat areas of discolored skin that can range in color from light brown to dark brown.

    Sunspots can appear in the following areas:

    1. Face
    2. Shoulders
    3. Arms
    4. Back
    5. Back of the hands
    • Prevents Tanning 

    Tan is beneficial for you. What you should know is that while sunbathing to tan, you are at risk of being harmed by the harsh UVB rays.


    1. To avoid tanning caused by UVB, use a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor  (SPF)of 30.
    2. Reapply sunscreen every three to four hours, more frequently if you have sensitive skin.
    3. Alternatively, apply it immediately after your workout, as sweat may wipe away the protective layer.
    • Enhance the Health of the Skin

    Sunscreen protects important skin proteins such as collagen and keratin. These proteins are necessary for maintaining the skin’s smoothness and health. Make sure your sunscreen contains titanium dioxide to help scatter UV rays away from your skin and protect the action of these proteins.

    • Reduce the Sign of Aging

    Make sunscreen your companion if you want to reduce the signs of aging. Going out in the sun without protection can harm your skin’s collagen and connective fibers, causing it to lose firmness and wrinkle.

    • Reduce Inflammation

    When we expose our skin to UV radiation, it can cause serious redness and irritation. This can be especially challenging for those who suffer from skin conditions such as acne or rosacea. Wearing sunscreen every day helps to reduce irritation caused by damaging rays. If you have sensitive skin and are prone to redness, seek a sunscreen that contains soothing chemicals such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

    Suggestions for Choosing a Sunscreen

    With so many alternatives available, selecting a sunscreen can be difficult. When selecting a sunscreen, one of the most important factors to consider is the amount of SPF. An SPF of 30 or greater will ensure that your skin is adequately protected, especially on overcast days. Always reapply sunscreen after swimming or using a towel, and select a product with “wide spectrum” coverage.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]