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Top 3 treatments for Hairloss that actually work

Top 3 Treatments For Hair Loss That Actually Work

One-third of the world’s population suffers from hair loss, making it one of the most common problems. Every day, a person loses 100 hair strands. Hair loss is an experience that varies from person to person. It can be gradual for some, while others may notice dramatic hair loss and patches of baldness all over their head. So, if you are looking for effective hair treatments in Mumbai, this blog is for you.

Hair loss symptoms and conditions differ amongst men, women, and children. People of any age or gender, however, may notice more hair in their brushes or the shower drain. It’s also possible to preserve your head hair while losing it elsewhere. Wearing tight clothing, shoes, or socks can promote hair loss in areas where there is constant rubbing.

The hair experts in Mumbai have numerous solutions to hair loss problems. Most of the hair clinics in Mumbai help thousands of people suffering from hair loss due to various reasons. PHI Clinic, one of the renowned hair clinics in Mumbai, offers you the top treatments of hair loss that will prove to be effective, after complete medical examinations and personalized consultations.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a safe treatment that includes transplanting hair from a healthy portion of your scalp to thinning or balding areas. Hair is normally moved from the rear or side of the head to the front or top by the surgeon.

There are two types of transplant treatments, and the doctor/ hair experts in PHI Clinic, Mumbai will choose one according to your specific needs. A local anesthetic is used to alleviate any pain or discomfort. A hair transplant provides a natural and long-lasting cure for baldness. You can visit the PHI clinic for this hair treatment in Mumbai.


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical, non-invasive hair restoration method for fine or thinning hair. Ingredients are infused into the scalp to promote hair growth. Biotin, zinc, amino acids, and growth factors are among the substances that aid in the natural regeneration and regrowth of hair.

It is a painless hair treatment that promotes blood flow to the scalp. There will be a total of six sessions, each lasting about 30 minutes. After three months, the results are obvious. Mesotherapy is available at the PHI hair clinic in Mumbai.

Hair PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Hair PRP involves the process of blood extraction, processing, and then injecting into the scalp to encourage hair growth, making it one of the most successful treatments for hair loss. Several growth factors and cytokines are found in the blood, and they play an important role in tissue repair and regeneration.

Without the use of chemicals, the process is rapid, safe, painless, and efficient. It’s perfect for folks with thin or wispy hair, and it’s appropriate for both men and women. There is no recovery period required, and patients can return to their regular activities right away. A total of four to six sessions are required, each of which lasts about 90 minutes. After three months, the results are obvious.

The above-mentioned treatments are the most recommended by the hair experts in Mumbai as they are very effective. Doctors at PHI clinic will provide you with personalized and most promising hair treatments in Mumbai for hair loss that provide a long-term solution to your hair loss and promote hair growth. An advanced form of PRP also known as GFC Therapy is also done at PHI clinic