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PHI Clinic



Having a healthy amount of fat shouldn’t be discouraged. However, like anything in excess is bad, so is excessive fat. Not only does it damage one’s self-esteem, but it is also very unhealthy and could lead to other severe health conditions.

What causes excessive fat deposits?

It is common to comment on someone who is excessively fat, as being lazy but this is a very careless comment. It is very important to be sensitive about excessive fat as the causes of it could greatly vary, ranging from genetics to serious chronic medical conditions. Accumulation of excess fat happens when the body is unable to burn the calories at the same level at which they are ingested. The body thus ends up storing these extra calories in the form of fat. Some of the causes of excessive fat deposits are:

  • Genetics can have a big impact on your body structure and health. How your body stores and processes calories could depend greatly on your genes.
  • Obesity is often hereditary but it is not just limited to shared genetics but also because of co-habiting and shared eating habits.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle choices like poor eating habits, lack of proper sleep, over-consumption of alcohol, lack of exercise, could all lead to excessive fat accumulation.
  • Lack of exercise is sometimes a result of a medical complication like arthritis, which could further lead to excessive fat accumulation
  • Certain medical conditions, like lipoedema, which occurs mainly in overweight women, cause excessive fat to accumulate in the legs, thighs, upper arms, and buttocks.
excessive fat removal

Treatment for excessive fat

It is important to get rid of the excessive fat on your body. However, just the procedure is never enough and post-procedure care is very important to maintain the effects of the treatment. At PHI Clinic, we approach to skin and health care with a holistic approach and will ensure that a treatment plan with proper medications, dietary structure and lifestyle changes is included, if needed, along with the procedure. Few of the treatment options, ranging from minimally invasive, to invasive, surgical procedures, that you could be looking at, to get rid of excess fat are as follows:

  • Injection Lipolysis is a minimally invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure for excess fat reduction. This treatment dissolves and destroys the fat cells in the face, arms, and lower abdomen and does so, without requiring surgery.
  • HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a targeted, non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that could be used on small areas of excessive fat deposits, for example, to get rid of double chin
  • Liposuction is an invasive, surgical cosmetic procedure to get rid of excessive fat, permanently, by removing the excessive fat. This procedure also involves body sculpting to a certain extent and helps get rid of excess fat from thighs, buttocks, arms, and tummy.

These procedures, that range from single sitting-procedures to multiple sitting ones, will help you get rid of stubborn excessive fat. Contact us today to find out which procedure would be the best fit for your needs.