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Abdominal etching is also known as six-pack liposculpture, which is a procedure that will make your abs look chiseled. This procedure is meant for individuals who already have a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and a muscular stomach. Abdominal etching can help you etch out a washboard stomach without the rigorous workouts. If a patient wants a flat abdomen, traditional liposuction might be the better option.

Abdominal etching requires the master skills of a skilled sculptor who understand body contouring and body aesthetics. Our team of plastic surgeons, cosmetologists and dermatologists are certified and licensed to conduct Liposuction. PHI uses only FDA approved products, procedures and treatments. We abide by the highest levels of safety and ethical standards. At PHI Cosmetics, your safety and beauty is our priority.


  • Abdominal etching is similar to traditional Liposuction in many ways.
  • Using standard liposuction equipment, the surgeon removes small, targeted pockets of fat to alter the contour of the abs.
  • Using extremely small incisions – sometimes these are made in the belly button, or concealed in the creases between the muscles, the surgeon permanently removes the fat that is concealing the abs.
  • The small size of the incisions gives this procedure the name “etching”.
  • The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and is typically completed within 2-3 hours.


If a patient sticks to their existing diet and exercise routine, the results will last for a long period of time.